How to Write SEO Articles along with Keywords – 2

How exactly can you write a unique article? You will get all the resources from the web. No one can create unique contents without deep research and studying tens of articles on the same subject. As you pore over different articles, you will see a particular pattern emerging. Many points will be repeated but pull out the unique points from them. You can research on these points and put associated information which is not available.

The placement of the keywords is also important. Check the keyword density. This can be done by counting the number of keywords and then dividing the total words by it. The keyword density must be in between 1 to 3 percent. The Keywords must be present in the title preferably at the beginning. The keywords must be present in all the headings as well as the beginning of the article. It must also be present at the end of the article. The keyword must be present at least once in a paragraph.

Always use sub heading whenever you are writing an article. You can accomplish this by using H2 tags. Having sub headings helps the viewer and keeps your ideas well organized. Google also rewards handsomely such content which has all its ideas well marked out and adds to the ease of the viewer. Always add keywords to h2 tags because search engines pay special attention to it.

Always put yourself in the viewer’s shoes while writing content. Write about people’s needs and what they care for. Often writers churn out content which has scant relevance and little use to the viewers. Don’t write for Google algorithms but for people. In the end it is they who matter and it is catering to their needs which are more important.

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